The Indian captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, has said that there are a lot of part time bowlers in the Indian team which is good for the side as these part time bowlers bring variation in the bowling department. He said that Raina, Rohit and Sehwag can bowl part time off spin, Manoj is a part time leg spinner and he can take the bowl away from the right handers and Virat can bowl some seam up deliveries. So, the team has different types of part time bowlers which provide versatility to the bowling line up.

Dhoni seemed to be pretty happy with the performance of the top order batsman Virat Kohli, who scored his 13th ton in ODI cricket. As per Dhoni, you need one of your top order batsmen to bat through the innings and provide a nice platform for the lower middle order batsmen to play aggressively and Virat has been doing this for the Indian team for quite a while now. He also pointed out Raina’s performance and said that this youngster has played a number of match winning innings for India and he is vital for the one day side. On being asked why Raina is not promoted up the order, the Indian captain said that you need one or two batsmen down the order who are capable of hitting boundaries consistently. Raina is one of those batsmen and he can play aggressively in the death overs. But, there is no other batsman in the squad at the moment who can replace him at that position. This is the reason for not promoting Raina up the order.

Dhoni said that the team should not take the fifth match lightly and should try to finish the series on a winning note.